Granite Floor Polishing

Granite Floor Polishing

Granite Floor Polishing: Timeless Characteristics of Granite

Granite is a natural type of stone coming from the belly of a mountain. This type of stone is harvested by means of sculpting it in portions of slabs and eventually refined into mosaics and tiles. The finish product is what they use in building construction such as houses, hotels, hospitals and offices. It is by far the most elegant flooring material used from the time it was discovered up to this modern time. Granite is an example of stone that possesses a timeless appeal fit for any type of home. Maintenance is stress-free and cost-efficient because granite floor polishing can be acquired from service providers at a very affordable price. Apart from this, quality is nothing compared to DIY methods.

Granite is tough and sturdy; it can last for decades and centuries. As a way to preserve its beauty and elegance, the right cleaning and maintenance should be applied. Granite flooring has a number of benefits such as the following:

Granite Floor Polishing

Wide Variety of Colors

Choosing the right kind of flooring for your home is easy because this material comes in a wide variety of colors. Some are one-shaded while others are multi-colored. Hence, depending on the style and design of your home, there will always be a fitting color of granite. Take note that each tile differs from the other as noticed on the lines and streaks. It is interesting to know that each piece of tile carries a unique personality. The same cleaning methods can be applied to marble floor cleaning – as both stones can become brighter and sparkling.

Natural Quality

When granite is extracted and broken down into pieces, the material never changes. The smallest tile is all-natural and is genuinely created from the earth. This means that granite is eco-friendly and will never cause pollution. This is the reason why granite is a preferred flooring material for construction that initiates cleanliness and hygiene.

Simple and Easy Cleaning Application

Granite’s natural quality is what makes it easy to clean. No matter what the color of granite is, the application of the right cleaning and polishing methods will make it look clearer and brighter. For dark-shaded varieties such as brown and black, polishing will make them sparkle and shine. For daily cleaning, mopping and sweeping are sufficient. However, just like marble floor polishing,  granite requires buffing after a certain period of time.

Timeless and Sophisticated

Granite possesses a timeless appeal that makes it a good choice of flooring material for any particular period and season. Whether a home is designed to be simple or sophisticated, granite flooring will fit perfectly. It is just a matter of choosing the right color and pattern.

Granite is a flooring material that can last a lifetime. Take note that granite flooring requires correct methods of cleaning and polishing. Living in a house with clean and bright flooring protects the family from harmful germs and bacteria. This flooring indeed is a quality investment. The best care that you can to your flooring is periodic polishing. Hire a service provider and acquire the most appropriate granite floor polishing for your home.

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Granite Floor Polishing FAQ

Can Granite Floor Be Polished?

Yes, granite floor can be polished to restore its shine and luster. Polishing helps remove scratches, etches, and dullness from the surface of the granite. A professional floor polisher can achieve best results. Regular maintenance, such as using coasters and wiping up spills immediately, can also prolong the life of a polished granite floor.

Do I Need to Seal Polished Granite Floor Tiles?

Yes, it is recommended to seal polished granite floor tiles to protect them from staining and water damage. Sealing helps to create a barrier between the granite and any liquids or substances that come into contact with it. A professional flooring contractor can advise you on the best type of sealer for your specific granite tiles and how often they need to be re-sealed.

How to Polish Black Granite Floor?

Polishing black granite floor requires using a specialized polishing powder and a floor polisher. Start by cleaning the surface of the granite, then apply the polishing powder evenly using the floor polisher. Move the polisher in a slow, circular motion until the desired shine is achieved. Regular maintenance, such as using coasters and wiping up spills immediately, can also help prolong the life of a polished black granite floor.

Is Polished Granite Hard to Maintain on a Floor Surface?

Polished granite flooring is relatively easy to maintain with regular cleaning and sealing. However, it is important to avoid using acidic or abrasive cleaners and to promptly clean up any spills to prevent staining. Proper maintenance will keep polished granite floors looking beautiful for many years.

What to Use to Polish Granite Floors?

Polishing granite floors can be done using a commercial granite polish or a homemade solution of water and a few drops of dish soap. Use a soft cloth or mop to apply the solution, and buff to a shine. Avoid using acidic or abrasive cleaners, which can damage the surface.